Moving to Another Country

I want to reach out and maybe meet some more people here, or talk with each other and find news, things to do, or information about living in another country, especially Okinawa. Please email with suggestions, comments, problems or ideas with dealing with moving to another country.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More Sappy Stuff and Some Fun Stuff

This is going to be a long one, so go ahead and plan on taking sometime.  First off, I would like to thank beautiful little Julia (3yr old neice) for loving my Zumba dancing and wanting to join a class on Aunt Ann's Lap today. Here is a pic of her and her older sister Anna Grace (5 yr old).  They are so cute, you guys will like the sides at the end of this one.

Also their Mom is the greatest. so check her blog out too

Well My alignment is now in the center and I can't get it to go back, so we will deal with center alignment today!! Next I would like to give a hello and congrats to a best friend/friend of the family, Amanda Carvajal aka Cali.  She has been bouncing around in life and has been a little lost but she has pushed through, and kept fighting and she has found her way home, literally, Merced California.  She landed her dream job, so it pays off Cali, "Way to GO!!!!!!!!"
SO here is a link to what she is doing. I am very proud!!!

Next I have a story, this is from my happy cheerful friend in Savannah but it is very true to life, and I try to live by it daily. I feel that my family does too so that is good we talked about a few of them because I have a wonderful family (even the ones that dont call me back or answer their phone....Chris O!!!) not to say any names. Try to remember that everyone wont be in your life forever so make sure you make the most of your time!!!
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.

       When someone is in your life for a REASON...It is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a Godsend and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be.
       The, without any wrongdoing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. Sometimes they die. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. Your need has been answered, and now it is time to move on.
       When people come into your life for a SEASON...It is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.
       LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Now this past weekend, the one before the beach we went to a slide park.  The park has slides all around the park that are free. Brad, Marilyn, and I went to one of these parks in the rain, so we did not travel as fast and it doesn't look to fast but it is!!! It was really fun, so kids, if your parents let you come visit, that is another thing to add to the list of things to do,when coming to visit Brad and Liz!!! 1. Festival 2. Life size cotton candy 3. pirate ship park 4. slide park ...remember these things!!!
Ok so no video of slide I will add later I promise. But #5. Dolphin show, man I will add a video of that too these dolpins are crazy!!!

#6 Trampoline Land, this place is covered in tons of trampolines, it is crazy but it is only for kids so we could not enjoy it.

Brad doing one jump onto it!!!
He is 2 pics for everyone, me and Lahrissa and me and Bradley J.

Bye bye now, I will have more later!!! Miss everyone.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Updates in Life

Ok, first off I am not good at the blogging everyday thing, if you can't tell.  I get busy or do not want to get on the computer after work so I skip a day, so new plan, give you an update on everything going on, you read at your own pace (a little everyday) and I will post brain dumps of information!!! So anyways now that we have that out of the way. 

Updates on What is going on!
So we are pretty settled, we felt that hanging out at our house was a decent past time.  This is a good sign because before we felt we needed to do something at all times because we are in another country!!! NOT the case we have 3 years. I got food poision last week from eating at the Tree House resturant (Which Kathy really wanted me to eat there).  It is called Naha Harbor Diner.   It is very cool looking, but the food was very expense did not come with sides, and was nothing special for paying 2000 yen (23 dollars) for duck that gives you vomit and other wonderful things!! Kathy I tested it out for you, but next time we will drive by to show you and then eat somewhere that is better food, and less money.   But the reason the resturant is so cool is it is in a tree, now dont get your hopes up, it is not a real tree. It is a fake tree, but it is still pretty cool to look at. 

The resturant is down by the Naha Port which is about 10 miles from where we live.  Now remember Okinawa does not use mileage for directions they use time so in this case the restruant is 1 hr and 15 mins away from us!!! He he the traffic is crazy here!! yes this picture does look a little airbrushed but that is exactly what it loks like! but the buildings around it are closer and more crowded, but this picture gives you a good view of what it does look like.

Next, I have been hangin out with my friends more often and making more friends.  Lahrissa is definately still my fav!!!! But we are slowly adding more, and we have been going to work outs classes together. They are awesome here!!! This is something I did not get to do in the states because I was driving my life away but We go to yoga (super hard wow these people are crazy, I am so bad, but I do feel quite wonderful when I leave), Zumba (the greatest workout ever), and water fitness.  All of them are great. So water fitness is in an outdoor pool, I got sunburn this weekend!!! yay!! Work outs in the pool in Feb!! I love it! Zumba is a dance cardio thing, Our teacher is so awesome, her name is Erna, she really makes burning 800 calories fun!! Watch the youtube video to see what it is like...I am terrible at this too but it just makes you smile! 
This does not do justice to Erna's Classes but you get the idea.  You should definately find a class near you and join because it is great.  I think it will help with dance skills too!
Also I went out for a girls night this past weekend which was fun and I got to meet more people here. 

So this past weekend we actually had typical Okinawan weather and it was 70 and sunny. We went to the beach which is so pretty you cant even imagine.  We also loved at dive stuff, because Brad cannot wait to go diving, we will see!!! Next weekend it is supposed to rain but if not, I will be at the beach all day, with a cooler and sandwiches and cards for you Aunt Ann!!

I will get some pics of the house and van on here, this week I will promise you guys that!!!

I took my pet policy package to the Camp Commander. He is against pet towers and pets in housing, but his dupty said that we raised some very good points, and that there should be a pet policy on base.  I presented a pet policy that I think all military bases should enforce because people not being able to have pets should be a privelegde lost not just enforced.  I am hoping he reads over everything that I have put together and he will at least call me in for a meeing.  So I know you guys are sick of me saying this but my house is lonely without Brad, but pray that I get to talk to the Camp commander about my pet policy, I really think it can make a difference.  Brad is going to be deployed 2 times this year for 2-3 months each time, so it would be nice to have my wigglely family memebers here while he is gone, and Brad I promise I will make sure they do not get pet hair everywhere.

I have not been to a sushi place yet, but I am going to try and make everyone go this weekend.  I am having a really fun time, it is just weird being so far away.  We now have a phone so you can call us anytime, preferable not on your lunch hour because that means it is 2 am here!!! We miss everyone!! I will not post everyday probably but it will be more often.  Oh I can count to 1000 in Japanese now. I am getting decent!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Unexpected Friends-Remembering to tell them Thank you

This morning I had a wonderful surprise when I got to work.  I had 4 emails from good friends of mine from Savannah GA.  First off finding a job in Savannah, GA was an answer to my prayers, however I never would have had any idea what God had in store when I went to work there.  Besides my family and a few friends I have kept over the years, some of the greatest friends/adopted family members came into my life in Savannah.  Savannah is also a place where I started my career, learned a lot from very talented engineers, (and other professionals (Sometimes in the Architecture section this word is used loosely, haha)), and trained/ran for my first marathon!!! I don't think that I would have done any of these things without going to work in savannah, let alone it got me a job here.

But I wanted to remind everyone in Savannah that I left, but not forever, that they are so much more than I ever could have dreamed for.  I am so lucky to have met these people, and I am so glad I have them in my life.  I would like to make a special thanks to Terry P., he will probably be embarrassed that I added his name but he deserves a good thank you.  He is such a caring, wonderful, funny person.  I am glad he is my friend.  He looks out for my best interest, you cant ask for more in a friend. I will leave it at that. So thank you, Terry.

I also got a story from a wise man I used to work with, He is someone who will always brighten your day and is always full of good stories and ways to live your life, so today I am leaving this story for you guys to read and try and implement in your life (I do).  It came to me in an email this morning when this week has had some ups and downs. It was one of those weeks where the greatness of moving here was not as good as some days.  I do not like to write on the blog on the days that are not as happy and full of experiences, but this week I have had so many great emails, letters, and packages of people reaching out to me (Yes you know who you are thank you!!), that I thought I needed to say thank you and keep them coming. The email from "the guy that is always smiling and saying hi"was a great way to end a week. A week, that was not as easy to love being here, but got some really great emails, and mail. SO here is my story and thank you guys  for reading, writing, and sending stuff.  The emails, letters, and funny picture packages were the wonderful experiences this week.

"Chocolate Sings"

One day I had a date for lunch with friends. Mae, a little old "blue hair" about 90 years old, came along with them---all in all, a pleasant bunch. When the menus were presented, we ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups, except for Mae who said, "Ice Cream, please. Two scoops, chocolate."

I wasn't sure my ears heard right, and the others were aghast.
"Along with heated apple pie," Mae added, completely unabashed.
We tried to act quite nonchalant, as if people did this all the time.
But when our orders were brought out, I didn't enjoy mine.
I couldn't take my eyes off Mae as her pie a-la-mode went down.
The other ladies showed dismay. They ate their lunches silently and frowned.

The next time I went out to eat, I called and invited Mae.
I lunched on white meat tuna. She ordered a parfait.
I smiled. She asked if she amused me.
I answered, "Yes, you do, but also you confuse me.
How come you order rich desserts, while I feel I must be sensible?
She laughed and said, with wanton mirth, "I'm tasting all that is Possible.

I try to eat the food I need, and do the things I should.
But life's so short, my friend, I hate missing out on something good.
This year I realized how old I was. (She grinned) I haven't been this old before."
"So, before I die, I've got to try those things that for years I had ignored.
I haven't smelled all the flowers yet. There are too many books I haven't read. There's more fudge sundaes to wolf down and kites to be flown overhead.

There are many malls I haven't shopped. I've not laughed at all the jokes.
I've missed a lot of Broadway hits and potato chips and cokes.  
I want to wade again in water and feel ocean spray on my face.
I want to sit in a country church once more and thank God for His grace.
I want peanut butter every day spread on my morning toast.
I want un-timed long distance calls to the folks I love the most.

I haven't cried at all the movies yet, or walked in the morning rain.
I need to feel wind in my hair. I want to fall in love again.
So, if I choose to have dessert, instead of having dinner,
Then should I die before night fall, I'd say I died a winner,
Because I missed out on nothing. I filled my heart's desire.
I had that final chocolate mousse before my life expired."

With that, I called the waitress over. "I've changed my mind,” I said. "I want what she is having; only add some more whipped cream!"  
This is my gift to you - We need an annual Friends Day! Live well, love much & laugh often - Be happy.  
Be mindful that happiness isn't based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people we love and respect. Remember that while money talks, Chocolate Sings! 

ALways remember to smile, I wanted a pic for this one and I have a lot of the wonderful savannah folks but i did not want anyone to feel left out so this is me smiling to you crazies back in the states...Miss you..with me, and Munson driving the tracker, i just learned!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So I have been talking about how it is weird to drive a mini-van, and that they are really cool here.

Well Mini-vans are cool!!! Since vehicles are so small here, having a mini-van like this is gigantic. You might as well drive an 18-wheeler!!! Those are funny looking as well.  It is weird to learn how to drive on the other-side of the road. You will be driving in the car and think, "oh no that person is reading while in the car, or oh my gosh where is the driver!!!!!" Then you will remember the driver is on the other-side of the car! I still think that every once and awhile!!
Also the windshield wipers are on the left and the blinker is on the right,  so when you are freaking out cause you are turning the wrong way on the wrong side of the road and are trying to get your blinker to help will turn your windshield wipers on full blast!!!! It will then scare you and the only thing you can think is ...shit, I have my windshield wipers on full blast, where is the blinker, hopefully these people will laugh when I finally get figured out which side of the road I am supposed to be driving on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  While I am thinking all this I also have someone yelling wrong way and dying laughing as I drive like crazy person on the wrong side of the road!!  It is then funny once you have not hurt anyone.  Then you go yes, I made it through that and you turn you windshield wipers off!
Ha ha I have done this a few times! Also I still walk to the wrong side of the car when Brad is driving.

License Plates are different here.  They are classified by engine size and weight. So you can tell when a person has a tiny vehicle and should be slow. So you are to be nicer when they don't accelerate fast.!!! SO this plate is smaller engines and light weight, (a mini vehicle-below and smaller).

Also the Kanji letter (Japanese Character) on the left says the person is native, if there is a Y there, you know there are American!!! This helps when you get mad at a driver and want to yell, you can tell if they should know better!!!! And always remember no honking in Japan!!! It is not nice, so you city folks that honk at everyone and drive like crazy people you will have to contain yourself here, because that is not allowed and the max speed here is usually around 40 mph.  The traffic is usually so bad that you won't reach that fast anyways!!!! He he so be safe and no honking!!

Also always avoid drivers with these symbols in the window!!! You will get in big trouble if you hit them.  They are like exempt from all driving rules!!!!!!! The one on the right is an Old Person Driver, and the one on the left is a New Driver!!!!

Instead of punishing these types of drivers, we excuse them from driving laws and blame everything on the person that got in the wreck with them.  SO at least you know when and where they are unlike the states where you assume all Florida people are old!!! Ha ha just kidding Florida Family!!!   Now you guys are ready for driving in Okinawa, besides the fact that a stop sign looks like a yield sign, a yield sign looks like a stop sign, a no parking sign looks like a no smoking sign, and everything is written in Kanji (Japanese Letters)!!! Ha ha!! You are ready!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hello Everyone, I am sorry I have not posted in a few days. I figured you could catch up with the loads of stories I wrote last week. This week I will work on Moderation. A little each day, so that I don’t run out of material by the end of the week, because work is not always super exciting! But today was quite a new experience because we do not have Super Bowl Sunday here, since we are 14 hours ahead of Eastern Time, we have Super Bowl Monday. Now, this is interesting because instead of pizza, beer, and chips, I had Waffles, coffee cake, fruit, salmon rolls, and gyoza. So having the Super Bowl game in the morning changes the Super Bowl Food and with a different culture we also have different food! It was a good time and I was very excited the Saints WON!!! Whoo hoo Chris O!! Yay for the Saints.

Also I want to Thank all moms. I talked to My mom yesterday and it was great. Moms always make you feel better so make sure you thank you mom today and tell her you love her. Also tell those Adopted Moms(the ones you add because they are always there for you too) that they are special and loved as well. You know who you are.

Well now for the funny part! Japanese Bathrooms!

Does anyone know why Japanese people don't wear their shoes in the house, well I have a philosophy about 1 reason why. The Japanese Bathroom! It is not so bad for the boys, as usual, they always have it easier. The urinals and toilets are on the floor. Well why am I talking about this, Yumiko-san taught me how to ask where is the bathroom last week, today I was telling her that I used that phrase this past weekend. Well I told her that it was funny seeing/using a toilet on the floor. She asked, "do you know how to use the toilet?" I said " I think so". I was thinking ah I hope so and I didn’t know you could mess this up, and man there are some interesting/useful things I NEED to learn!! Haha.

She then said that when you use Japanese toilets you do not face the stall door like we do in the United States. Whoops! First thing I did wrong! Then she said always flush using your shoe. Whoops! Glad I washed my hands. So when you females use a Japanese toilet you need to 1. Squat (I guess that is why they teach you when you are a kid), 2. Face the wall not the door, 3. Aim. The aiming part is why I have decided that their shoes are a little dirtier and why you don’t really want to wear your shoes in the house. 4. Flush with your foot and shoe (another reason to not wear you shoes in the house). Don’t worry females when you visit, most toilets are regular but some out in town will be a NEW experience for you, but it is a good thing I have taught you the way to use a Japanese toilet!! ha ha I hope you guys got a good laugh from this one!

So here you would want to face the flush handle.   Here is the link of the little kids dancing from the festival. I wish I had recorded longer, but you will get the idea!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Family Dinners and Festival!!

Everyone don't forget about how important the little things are. Brad and I have been cooking almost every night. I think we have not cooked 2 nights the entire time we have lived in our apartment. Also we have had Jon and Lahrissa over for dinner most of those nights. Brad and I cook together which is fun bonding time, that we really appreciate since we did not have that time before living in the states, due to our jobs. Also we have bought a new cookbook which is wonderful and everything has been delicious. But that time around the table, goofing off, Lahrissa giving Brad a hard time, really is enjoyable. Remember to do the little things with your loved ones and friends because those memories mean more than whatever TV show is on tonight, you can watch those after dinner. Ha ha watching HOUSE. We are trying to get Brad to like it better. It is one of few prime time TV shows we get here since there is a monopoly on the TV by the Air Force. The Air Force runs everything here so remember, when you enlist or join the military the Air Force might be the easy one, but take it!! They get all the good stuff, it is a breeze to be in the Air Force. Even though you think "Oh I want to be a Marine they are the coolest!" go Air Force Life will be better...ha ha Tom!! I am just kidding!
Other information here, Brad might be going to some northern island for 2 months in April. I will be in our lonely apartment harassing Jon and Lahrissa with no one to talk to. I am writing my letter to the commander this week, so hopefully I will have that package turned in next week for him to look at for turning my tower into a pet tower.

And the good stuff: THE CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL!!!
This is a picture of Me, Brad, Jon and Lahrissa at the Cherry Blossom festival. There where cherry trees everywhere like the one in this picture. The story behind the cherry trees is this: Back during WW2, there was a comm/data center on this hill, well after the war the soldier that worked there would get bored, so he decided to plant all these cherry trees, now one side of an entire mountain is covered in these cherry trees, so every spring the Japanese celebrate the coming of the cherry trees. I thought it was interesting that an American had planted all these trees.

So at the festival you can explore all through the trails, the trees, and 450+ stairs. Picture of the bottom of the stairs.
the bell at the top of the stairs
We did the touring around the trees and park, and then went to all the festival carts that were set up at the bottom of the hill. There was wonderful food that I have never seen before, we all picked one thing and then shared the food, to try lots of different things. The chicken tepenyaki (sp) was the best, Brad picked it (I think he knew what it was). Here is a picture of the food that Jon and Lahrissa Picked and what i picked.

Whatever you think any of this might taste like, it doesn't. It is really good, but nothing you have ever tasted and that sauce was GOOD!!!!!! I can't even explain what they were. Kathy you might want to work on the don't ask don't tell policy for food, over here, with the no meat!!! Ha ha!

Next I had to have some cotton candy!!!! Man you guys know how I love cotton candy, well, they have bags here as big as a king size pillow case so I was in Little kid heaven!!!!
Anna Grace, Julia, and other little nieces and nephews, we will definitely have to plan some cotton candy action, when you come to visit!!!! Julia the bags were as big as you, and I thought that when I bought it. Because think how cool a cotton candy bag that is actually bigger than you are!!! TALK about AWESOME!!!!

Then the best part came!! The entertainment!!! there were Little 5 year olds dancing!!! it was so neat, please check out my video and the pictures!!

These kids were awesome! They were stomping and yelling and dancing!!! Check out my not so good video!! I will post the link later it is publishing to but it should be under dancing Okinawa festival- kids dancing posted by eaosmith44. Well here are a few more pics

Right: on the path at top of Mountain
Left: one of the views from the top of the mountain.
Oh my do outs: Do the little stuff, turn the TV off and have dinner together, play a boardgame, just enjoy the little things in life, and as always a random act of kindness (shout out to you Veijo and Heloise) this can be anything, a quarter in a meter, a random piece of candy for someone, or a note that says I love you on the bathroom creative and post your random act of kindness!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The "Roller Coaster of Ride" in moving to Okinawa

OK, so I am starting this blog to help keep my family and friends in the loop of what is going on in Okinawa, because I don't know who I tell what so I feel like I am the annoying girl that repeats all her stories. Also, it is not as easy as one would think for an outgoing girl from Georgia that has lived in Georgia and South Carolina her whole life to move to the other side of the EARTH. I am hoping that other people that live in Okinawa will add their experiences and tricks of the trade for living here.

Also I have been home sick some, and Rose Mary one of Savannah moms (I have 2), suggested I read her daughter, Elizabeth's blog about having children (check it out Moms are human, it is great), Elizabeth's stories comforted me and connected with me on a totally different level and really made me feel better. She had a rough time with motherhood at first and started the blog to help with that and now she is like Mother of the Year!! Even though I am not a mom her stories were great and she is so funny, so My first Blog is dedicated to Rose Mary and Elizabeth because they really have helped and suggested I start a blog about Okinawa. It is Rose Mary's Birthday today too.

The Roller Coaster of Ride in moving to Okinawa:

Well, so I have been on island for 25 days now, before this time I lived out of 2 suit cases for 2.5 months, drove across 7 states, left my dogs in Oklahoma, flew through 5 cities in 2 different countries for 39 hours of traveling time through airports and on a plane. Since I have been here, I have been passed around like a hot cake, lived in a hotel for 14 days, and finally given a No Pets Allowed place to live!!!! What fun!!!

Well, I am going to start with a few stories about what has been going on here...This will be a long post sorry everyone but I have a lot to catch up on!!

Story 1: Why you should know where hair salons are, before you move to a new country!!!

OK, these stories won't be in order but they will be fun, we will start with a personal favorite that happened last Thursday to be exact...I had gotten my lovely sister-in-law (Amanda) to do my hair before I left because my lovely Friend Jen (who did wonderful things with my hair, who I met in the grocery store because I told Brad she had cute hair...) was not moving to Japan from much of my dismay. Amanda did a wonderful job of brown hair with red highlights. Well, the red faded except in the front, which looked OK, but I was ready to go back to brown. Enough new stuff for the new place (back to my regular self I wanted)....I went to the store with Brad (Big mistake) who suggested Blond. I was talked into getting blond with the excuse, "Well I don't have hair, I like testing stuff with your hair" so I got the blond. Well after My friend Lahrissa (new here to Okinawa, also) died it, the red was not gone and I now had an orange color for the Brown areas. So I was an orange head with RED RED highlights. The blond had intensified the RED. So for a day I was a Orange head and was supporting Clemson with a real sense of the color orange. I then got word from Amanda and Jen that dying it make to brown would be fine with a warm brown color (ash would then turn it green!!!!). So I am back to normal Liz hair color with a hint of red. That red is persistent.
So Locals here in Okinawa, any hair, nails, beauty shops, or suggestions are welcome for womanly needs!!!

Story 2: Learning Japanese is Fun!!

Once I found out that I was moving to Japan, I started working on the Rosetta Stone (Terry P., a great friend suggested it to me, he is always so helpful) which is wonderful and I did learn a lot. However, they comment one how it works so well because they teach you like a child. Well when you move somewhere else and only know words like book, running, swimming, milk, tea, and coffee, you are in a little trouble when you actually try and talk to someone, because think about it, how many times do you use those words in a day and are they critical....NO, NO, and more NO. Things like my name is, where is the bathroom, please, thank you, good morning, etc. are way more important.

So, I have made friends with Yumiko-san. She is a sweet Okinawan lady that works in my office. By the way -san means person and here in Okinawa. You use that when you are talking about or to someone. But you never use it when talking about yourself. One of those good Japanese tricks to know so you don't embarrass yourself for being the "dumb American" (that is a whole another story) for the good part of the story...

Yumiko-san is teaching me to speak Japanese, I am doing pretty well, I am getting better about using the phrases and words that she is teaching, and I am keeping up my Rosetta Stone as well. Well last week I learned how to introduce my self and say nice to meet you. It takes her about 5 times of repeating the words, writing them broken down by syllables, and me asking again later that day again how to say it, to get a phrase down. Well, on Friday we had a lunch with the whole office building and I met a very funny Okinawan man named Masutzaki-san. I introduced my self and used about 5 Japanese phrases all at once and he spoke back to me in Japanese, I was so proud. Then he asked me a question in Japanese....I had a major blank stair and asked in English what does that mean? He replied, " Where did you learn Japanese?" I started laughing, I said, " I just said everything i know in Japanese, I am learning from Yumiko-san, I just started about 3 weeks ago." He laughed and said, " you fooled me, I thought you could speak Japanese very well.!!!!" Haha I had stumped him... I am getting better so hopefully when people visit I can show them my wonderful Japanese skills!!!! It is fun learning, I also used some Japanese to get directions to the festival this past weekend.

Story 3: A very sad Day here in Okinawa.

Well after living out of a suit case, I was getting to the point where I just wanted a place to live, but not any place, a pet friendly place. Munson and Rocky need to be here with our family. They are living on B-Pa's farm and having a blast, but we miss them. We were giving no choice in our housing. They gave use the offer of one tower apartment. We had no choice but to take it. I am very upset about this and working to change the pet policy, but it is one against 4 branches of military so we will see how that goes, there should be more posts about that as the next few weeks go by, with what is going on with that. We will keep fighting for them, but right now we have plenty of room for visitors so we will take visitors instead.

Story 4: Making friends!!!
Making friends here is not as easy as one would think. You have a bunch of people who have moved away from their family and friends, you would think they would want to make new friends, but that is not always the case. When you say hello to people that live near you they might give you a weird look and small hello, and keep walking or they might look at you crazy and not say anything at all, or you might knock on their door, and they pretty much close the door in your face...Welcome to Okinawa.

So if there are people living in Okinawa having a hard time making friends, feel free to talk to me, or we can hang out. This is a new place we need to be a little more outgoing and friendly.

My philosophy is everyone is just a bunch of Yankees!!! ha ha send the southerns they will be more friendly.

I will say we have met a great couple that is a Marine Corps family as well, that we have been hanging out with a lot. Jon and Lahrissa, they have made things much more enjoyable. They are from California and are surprised by Brad and I's sure come on over, sure you can have a ride, sure stay for dinner, or borrow a pillow attitude. But it is nice to have friends. We went to a festival together this weekend and it was great. (i will write about the festival later, when I can post videos because I have a cute video of dancing Okinawan children)

Story 5: Learning Japanese Culture

The other day I was meeting a new man from one of the Architect Engineer firms we work with and he handed me his business card. I said oh thanks and took the business card and said when I get one I will give it to you. I thought this was a perfectly normal encounter…..OH NO…you should never take a business card from someone, you must place both hands on the card with the other person holding the card as well, and bow, pause and look at the card for at least 2 seconds, and then take the card. So I learned my lesson with that, after being told nicely that I was rude. So you remember that the next time you are in Japan and receiving a business card.

Story 6: Japanese FOOD

The food here is wonderful, Like today I tried Japanese curry with some co-workers. It was so wonderful. Damon, who is married to an Okinawan, and has lived here for 20 years suggested I put these weird brown things on my curry today. He said they were pickles, nothing I had ever seen before. I said, " Well I am here living in Okinawa, I might as well try," it was wonderful the curry and the pickle things. You just have to try things here, they are so different and nothing you could expect, or try and guess by seeing them, you just have to have fun with it and try new things, you will find all sorts of surprises!!! I really do love trying the food here, it is a new part of me since I can remember a day when Meredith and Mr. Deal told me that calamari was chicken to get me to try it and I love it, or Arlynn told me tofu was cheese. Ha ha funny times, now I am trying weird pickle things. Coco's Curry is great, Locals please make more good food suggestions.

What to take from My Blog today:
Anyone who visits must try something weird and new looking.

Maybe post about something new you tried today. Everyone try something new, saying hi to a stranger, eating something weird, saying a Japanese phrase, send a post card to someone to say hello, or my personal favorite thing to do...randomly complement a stranger!! That is what I leave you to do today, to see what it is like in a new place. I am glad I like to try new things and if it is disguising or mean try again later!! Big Happy Face people!!

I am feeling like this is getting long so I will post more stories in a bit, please keep reading my blog and TRY SOMETHING NEW. Also I will get pictures and videos up, but I am new so not sure how to work everything yet. Miss everyone. Love, Liz